In Stay Away period time

yukihiro (D)
birthdate: 11/24
blood: A
height: 165
weight: 48
sign: Sagittarius

For more information, 
visit the Yuki/DieInCries section


he's just about the only patient guy in the group! ^^;

He is very hard working, "since the others are writing music, I am too".

he used to be in Zi:kill, and Die In Cries. Yes, those two were visual bands.

it's very funny. He admitted to stealing a crate of bread when he was young... (just took it and ran!) But he had been through some hard times before.

SM: sort of S. ^^;

he's nuts about Eva too, and it's said he and Tetsu go shopping for clothes together.) His favorite type of girl is Rei (actually, he likes cute girls, like said before. But I think Rei is not the very cute type, more like... uh... Cool. --> that's why I worship her... Maybe he'd like Death too?)

he also draws manga!

he's nuts about Chocolate (*^^* I like too! He must be very happy on 24/2 nee?) because of this chocolate et coke craze, he gets toothache often (brush your teeth, stupid!). However he doesnt like to go to Dentist, no matter how Tetsu reminds him.

eating habits, Yukki worships coke, chocolates and MacDonalds! He likes McD so much that when he went LA he was like searching for McD. (Yoshiki's nuts about Mac too, they'd get along well!)

although it's said that Tetsu is the crybaby of the band, Yuki is also a person who cries easily. His dead spot is also touching movies! Like how Hyde used to be as a kid, he cries. (grown baby!) He has a good heart ^-^ 

he is not cool, just shy. Like in interviews. He is 'afraid' of facing media (haha)

He owns... three computers... I think its Powerbook for making music, and two iMacs for home use.

Cigars- Seven Stars, One pack a day. (..same as Sakusaku... but, Saku's is 2 packs.)

Surprisingly though, he doesn't drink.

Yuki is a friend of hide! (zi:kill was friend of hide) Suprise! Actually, Zi: kill was related to Yoshiki=X... .so... Also, it's said that Yukihiro was in a band of Yoshiki's, but ...? ^^; I will need to confirm.

Yuki... Doesn't know how to swim! (>_<) ...In Finale, the scene in water was a swimming pool.. ..

Yuki dislikes baseball, because all the kids were playing baseball when he was young ^^;

Yukki is the most powerful in L'Arc in fighting and running.

Oooh!^^ the person who influences him most... is his beloved... (sou ka? dare?)

Yukki participated in Mixed Lemoned Jelly's creation! (that was hide's solo work...)

'Yukki' this name came from Ken! At first, in DIC,  people called him 'Yuki'. But because he is the sempai of Laruku (four days older than ken, --> the oldest, and also came out earlier), everyone called him "yukihiro kun" (this is already for the same level) but since Ken found that it was difficult to pronounce (long...) so, he started calling him with the kansai-style... Yukki. Because this name is sooo cute and nice to pronounce, workers, fans etc started calling him by this name too! (but I always use 'yuki'...^^)

In Flying L'Arc attack, the host starts calling him "little devil"... This is also starting to become widely used. huhuhu...

Smile- tetsu's viewpoint: "his smile lets people feel that things will be better" -hyde's viewpoint: "if you give him chocolates, he will smile!"

Yukki's pronounciation- He tends to speak those H syllables without the H, so for example- "hai" = "ai" ^__^; (kawaii....~) His accent is Kansai accent, but because of his pronounciation, people always ask him what's his language.... His reply: "Broken Kansai!"

Yukki's arms are his weapon! Mwaha! He doesn't have stamina, but he has arm strength! It's his strongest body part (uhm...I won't know about -there-...) so breaking drumsticks are normal occasions. (didn't he break the drumskin in Real life or the Circuit life?) His speed is 1/1000, which is compared to 1/600 of normal rock jazz drums...

Muscle inflamation is his big problem.. .*sniff* which occurs during Circuit lives especially... when that happens, his feeling becomes very bad. ^^; (poor thing... good fic idea tho.)

leg is another weapon. ^^; To release stress, kick the chair, then kick the table.... *laughs* In '98 life, the bathroom's lock was sppoint, so he was locked in... Guess what Yukki did? *KICK!* ^^; it came open... . haha...And in Tokyo Zepp live (this came from a chinese messageboard via someone's revision on Yukki^^) he not only kicked the drum chair down the stage, he also kicked hyde's microphone far~far~ away...*admiration*

Yukki LOVES macdonalds... (two top favorite foods: "Macdonalds and macdonalds" *laughs) He especially loves Fillet-o-fish, but after Tetsu's reminding, he eats less^^

Yukki always loves chocolate(as we know) so....once a day at least, workers can see him eat chocolate, and even in Flying Larc attack, we can hear him eating chocolate *laughs*

Yukki hates soya bean powder.. .. ^_^;

Yukki can don't eat, but he can't don't smoke^^; --> one pack per day, 1.5 times more when recording. He'll never quit!

*giggles* Yukki's "handsome" model - hyde! "Because no matter when, he's still so handsome" ^^ But Yukki's definition of handsome seems to be a bit different from people... And it seems that his feeling of Hyde's handsome-ness is somewhat different too! 

Yukki likes to wash clothes with hands... *laughs* So cute. (I like washing shoes!)

The rings on Yukki's fingers aren't because he's engaged, but because he really likes them. (btw, my stuffed cat is 5 years old. :P)

*laughs* the hand-bracelet thingy.. yukki has about 30 or so, and he wears their colors and numbers according to mood ^^

Yukki's home- two rooms, the larger one having equipments, the smaller one is the one where he sleeps. It's very, very clean... Yukki seems to have cleaned it himself, since once he was speaking to the interviewee about the dealing of rubbish^^

Yukki's bed.... - King size, is so big that you can sleep and roll! *laughs* I love that kind of bed... Yukki~~ Take me hoooome *laughs* Well, it seems that he was saying "because the period of time when I don't have a home didn't allow me to sleep properly (?), so I swore I would get a super-big bed"

His room! Blue light (like Love hotel, with mirrors?^^)

No utensils in his kitchen ^^ --> because of the time when he hadn't any place to live, taking too many things around wasn't convenient, and this formed a habit. The fridge is probably filled with lots and lots of coke and snacks *laughs* and that's the only functional thing besides the three glass cups and two mugs. *giggles*

Travelling around--> either bandmate's cars or worker's cars or... *laughs* or train.... He didn't have a driver's liscence until 1999.

In public transport... Yukki doesn't like contact with people, so he doesn't have a good impression of it. (high five, yukkichan) Oh, and it seems that he'd quarrel with people before... Or kick people out of the way as he proceeds.. And that he got molested by hentai-obaasan before^^;

Yukki claims to be "safety-conscious while driving by himself, but dangerous when sitting in others' cars" ^_^ It seems that he's  a speed freak, who will drive really fast.. (is that really safety-conscious? *sweatdrop*) and when sitting in others car, he will say "faster! speed over!" Sonna! ^^

type of girls - silent type, with not much to say. (boku! boku! *raises hand*) guys- kawaii looks (waiii~ ^^)

shaving = once a day

Most sexy body part --> sides, especially waist (his waistline is 24 inch...kya)


Yuki looked afterTetsu when he got sick in Finale making! Hyde and Ken went playing... .(in baby voice: don't buwwy mah yukkichan!)

In Stay Away PV, yukki did that special move thing... *laugh* hyde said "Yukki's body is very flexible" and he didn't mean it hentai! (if thought in this way...^^)

For Ectomorphed Works, Yukihiro spent 7 days or so to make the remixes! *gasp* But, it is 24/7 continously working working working. ... (O_o). ..and in that week, he slept. ..15 hours. *congrats him* And if he falls asleep, he told the manager to wake him up no matter what after one hour. ... . (there was no more time.)

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