30 2000:
Yes, I am gonna talk about this "cool" song. :P
after yesterday, I would like
to state that I have gained a better understanding of this song. *smiles*
firstly, I must say that I had
been watching a night movie which made not much sense and was totally dumb.
But it did bear a certain arousement and therefore when I was listening
to this song. ..*dies* I was like "DONT DO THIS TO ME!" *laugh*
yume wa yume no mama de.. ..
*laugh* anyway, somehow I can
see its essence in my insanity some more. *grins* ettchi nee.
well, that part is like. ..arousement,
and the Get Out Of Your shell I can see two possibilities:
a) sex.
b) "Forget it"
I think i took it as "forget it". ..In case you're wondering, "Forget it"
doesn't mean "Do it yourself", it just means "revel in that arousal without
seeking release" sonna, y'know. *laugh* are you uncomfortable now?
Oh, yes, I was also having a
referral to the lyrics. Since I couldnt hear the last part of the chorus
(what "soul", or is it "sou"). ..^^;; ; I couldnt decide if that part was
option A or B. In case you're wondering, too, I fell asleep without doing
anything, no thank you. :P
That's an all new experience
for me! *laugh* I think I start to "understand" the song more now.