Angel Sanctuary
Oct 26 2000: 
*sob sob sob* 
I read Angel Sanctuary. I'm sobbing not because it's nice, but because I read it. Someone lent me the first five parts when we went jamming... (I think I owe her some...). and... .Damn....!

Well... I don't like Setsuna and his sister. In fact, I think his sister is a naive idiot, and I really wish she'd die early. And I really want to see Setsuna hurt as much as possible, because I don't like them, simple as that. I'm no maniac, but these are just normal main characters whom I really want to see sodomized and ripped into pieces by the bad people. (btw, that never happens, of course.) And no, I don't think Setsuna and his sister look like Hyde. Setsuna is too... uhm... direct to be like Hyde, and his sister... I'd commit suicide if Hyde is like that.
However.... (read beyond pictures to see what I mean by however.)

Setsuna and his sister
I don't know his name in Japanese (only in Chinese, since I'm HORRIBLE at reading kanji)... and the blonde is Setsuna.
*breathes* Rosiel! The one in the coffin is his son.
Dunno.... ^^; But I thought it looked like Tetsu, and I like people with painted faces in comics who look melancholic.

*sob sob*
In case you haven't noticed, I SAID I won't read AS. I said so! i said so!! *cries* ^^;but I did.. .
And I fell in love.. .

with Rosiel.

^^; The story is confusing (actually, I'm at part three now. I own the illustration book because I like the art.) and... Rosiel is such a... interesting person. OK, angel. 

What I like about him:
he's "polluted".
he's beautiful. Not only is he beautiful, he's not damn naive as Setsuna's sister is, and neither is he as dumb as Setsuna himself, or as disgustingly gentle as those kind of angels. O_O
He's proud. ^^;. ...
he's in love with himself. *cough cough*
he's sad, depressing, he's melancholic (yes, I like to see melancholic people.)
everyone wants him.
He knows everyone wants him and he makes use of everyone. (*grins* Don't ask. I like despicable characters... .and  this happens to be the Hyde whom I'm potraying in Taste of Love. O_o; Incidentally, I wrote that months ago, and the set image is Blurry Eyes.)
He sees himself as "polluted", and he feels low-down. (which means, I like to see beautiful things trampled like that.)
He tried to "preserve" his son's pure heart. (I like characs who try to grasp futilely at eternity, especially in the wrong way, and especially if they are beautiful like Rosiel is.)
And I root for him because he's very pathetic. He'll never succeed like that though in the comic. :-/ I root for the wrong people. (talk about naive. I might be one of them.)

Actually, I suspect one of the reasons I like him is because he looks like Hyde.!!! No?! No?!! Take a look at Hyde in BLURRY EYES, and take a look at Rosiel! *faints* Like each other, they are just too beautiful for their own good. (btw, Kaori Yuki likes L'Arc, as we all know, and as plenty of people say.)
Actually, looking like hyde is one thing... .but.. .but... this guy is an exact duplicate, I swear! *laughs* There's even the magnetic feel which Hyde has. Really. O_o; On this angel... .. . I suppose it's because of the "confusion" and "tragedy" that this character potrays  that makes him radiate that kind of ...feeling. No?^^ --> actually, it's exactly this feeling which makes me like Rosiel.

if there's a weak point about me.. .^^; I like guys like that... *blush* Of course, probably I'm stupid.
But anyway I liked the girl whom he used, better than Setsuna's sister, so to speak.
Because the girl she used a) was pretty not in that innocent way, b) was cunning, c) was sexy, and I like that kind of girls. d) was smart.
So... In case you're wondering, I don't hate girls. I just hate the way girls are potrayed. And it's a wonder why no one ever uses the ones whom I like as the lead character... Damn.. Maybe I just like villians. ..^^;

Oh... The guy who looks like Sakura (refer to pictures and captons provided)... .*faints* 
I like him too. Alot. ^^; Don't ask why... I just have a soft spot for people who look like Sakura.. . I'll admit it now.. .sheesh. 
Maybe because Sakura's... irresistable.. In a more manly way and more humane way than Hyde. ^^;
Oh, btw, Sakura's scorpian, and pieceans are attracted to scorpians. ^^; Not that I usually... But... but... I like sakura. *suicides messily on ...something, spilling her blood all over so that her parents could clear it up later and bitch to each other about the mess*

Well, since I'm up till volume three... There's no comments.
I just really really like Rosiel.. .^^;
*sob sob* I just felt so sad when I flipped to vol 5 and saw Rosiel lose his son to some girl kid who could read minds. *sniff* Not that I didn't like the kid, but.... .You know... You know.. .*shakes head* Rosiel~~ *sob sob*

Now there's only one thing which can describe the feeling of me now. *smiles bitterly*
*shows fate the "universal hand sign"*
