Yami no Matsuei #2
10 25 2000: 
Today, we introduce Yami no Matsuei ... For more information on the basic characters, look for the previous entry that I'd had on this (look under omake 2000 entries).
riko riko!right: the cactus yousei riko "waking" hisoka
I finally read up till v. 10. It's a very compelling comic all in all, and... who can't love hisoka (who's got a problematic character and is strong-willed and pretty)? Even the act-cute Tsuzuki (I like his darker side better^^;... and when he gets sekuhara-ed coz it's funny) is likeable... And Watari too! (because his character is so sunshiny and he seems to like experimenting). The only one I don't like is Tatsumi, but he's funny. And in vol. 10 there's more of hisoka, and that cute little cactus Riko. I like the cactus Riko, because he's not only cute and funny, he's also useful!
left: touda the snake god who exercises hell-fire (literally)

The reason I like this comic is that there seems to be not a useless character around. They're all developed to some extent (the reason people like sheakspear), and have their own distinctive characteristics. Also, there isn't any Mary Sue around (except for that girl in vol.3, but I like the fact that she likes the villian, who doesn't love her back.)-- unlike in certain stupid comics such as oh, say, Angel Sanctuary!

Also, I like Touda. He's the Snake God who's been locked up and freed by Tsuzuki, so when Tsuzuki wanted to die he helped him die. There isn't a much of a reason why I like him, except that he's cool and he's a pretty interesting character, with whom to some extent I relate to. Essentially he's a good person.

It's me, it's meeeeeeee!right: Hyakkou the tiger god, who also knows circus tricks. (click thumbnail to enlarge)
I also like Hyakkou... because he's a gentle tiger and he's enthusiastic and cute in human form.^^; (isn't that the only reason I like anyone?) Thou shouldeth see him in SD form!

the most beautiful smiling face of all times...left: kijin the thunder emperor (who can issue the command of thunder) and his sister

....for kijin, see below.... (a special section for him! why, because he's my favourite--hisoka is my second favorite. You could prolly see why by now.)

All in all, sometimes there's errors in Matsushita-sensei's work. But usually the side views, I'd say, are much better than AS (which is damn overrated). Except that the endings are a bit....(wordless) sometimes, and certain issues aren't explored thoroughly (due to the lack of pages, I presume). 

I also admire Matsushita-sensei's attitude of "if you don't like it, then throw the book away" when she did a small story which involves homo-relations. I think what is said in this tiny story (although the plot simply SUCKS, but that's ok coz it's a minor story, if the main plot sucks I'd have stopped reading even if kijin is there...and I'm still awaiting to find out the secret behind hisoka's family and of course, Tsuzuki's past) is true-- God gave us "love" to give us a reason for existence. It kind of explores the issue of homosexuality, in the boy's school (um... as far as I'm concerned there's too much in girl's schools, and most "famous" mangaka don't even touch on it (except for that YYH author, who said that he wanted to draw something but didn't have a chance to in his freetalk.)

and..last but not least..kijin!
kijin's only solo picleft: the one and only solo picture of kijin. (click thumbnail to see larger version)

^^; methinks me doth be crazed... for one, I stopped reading rurouni kenshin after soujirou disappeared.^^; I like this guy so much that I think I'd prolly do the same thing after he's stopped appearing... 

If you still don't see why I like him, eh, then thou must be blind. It's first because he looks like tetsu, second because he's damn beautiful, third because I like his smile. Even if he doesn't look like tetsu, I'd still like him. 

He's bewitchingly beautiful (don't know what colours are his eyes, but his hair is blue), and he... he likes books. @_@;;; he's an intellectual (like, anyone whose special power is with words is an intellectual... his power is with words, not anything flashy like the rest, but that's what makes me like him even more. (there's a chinese saying, 'wen2 ruo4 shu1 sheng1'... that's what he seems like) And he seems calm (kurama!), and he has such a happy life with his sister and father. *sniffle* And he seems to be friends with just anybody too, like Watari, except that he's less lively compared to Watari. And that's good, because it's like a contrast of light vs. darkness, and he's the stars... (no meaning)
methinks hisoka doth be jealous.

right: hisoka vs the blissful family image Soryuu, kijin and that little sister makes
um... but the real thing is his smile. T-T;; (helpless) if anything, his smile really resembles tetsu's... @_@ and his eyes too... *_*; and I'm a sucker for anyone who has a smiling face like tetsu^^; 

if anything, he's more beautiful than tetsu is (arrgh! I'll get killed!), and perhaps gentler, which tetsu definitely isn't. Both of which I'm speaking on the surface, I think there's more to tetsu (who should be gentle in his own ways I guess), but um... well, I haven't seen much of kijin around, but he seems to be a shakespearean character. By this I mean he seems to have deep thoughts and isn't hypocritical (because he has such a good family), although he's far from the tragic hero.

From an impersonal point of view, I think he acts like a genuine contrast to hisoka, whose family situation has been made well-known by now. kijin is a specimen of the properly-grown intellectual youth who is a rarity (even if you minus away the fact that he's got special powers), while hisoka is a perfect example of a youth seeking companionship (and not admitting so) because he has lousy parental relations (understatement of the year). On the whole, I think kijin is what everyone'd aspire/wished that they were, because he seems to be the happiest (happiness, oh happiness, wherefore art thou happiness?) and hisoka is what most "problematic" youths would relate to.

And kijin is a perfect example because... he doesn't seem to be narrow-minded. That is apparent in the fact that he has introduced hisoka to every strong shi that there is... not "for your own good" shit.

Besides, he's still so beautiful! (no tragic past or to-be-saved to boot, heh)

...life is unfair. Anyway, I just cut my hair (by myself, which proved to be a big no-no) as I wanted something new, and it turns out... *cries*
