Name Analysis - Hyde
Oct 15 2000: 
Your name of Tetsu has made you systematic and practical in all you do. You enjoy the feeling of accomplishment from working diligently at a task. Particular about your material possessions, you keep everything you own in a good state of repair, and you budget your personal finances very carefully. You are clever in mathematics and have great patience with work of a detailed nature, such as bookkeeping or accounting. Systematic and practical in all you do, you enjoy the feeling of accomplishment from working diligently at a task. You budget your personal finances very carefully. Particular about your material possessions, you keep everything you own in a good state of repair. This name limits imagination, flexibility, responsiveness, and spontaneity in your nature. It also limits your sense of humour and any real empathy of the problems of others. Those close to you do not appreciate that you may forget the thoughtful expressions of affection toward them. Your very practical nature does not allow you the appreciation you might have for life's more aesthetic values as it keeps your mind mostly concerned with facts and figures. Weaknesses in the health could affect the intestinal tract with constipation and related difficulties such as rheumatism or arthritis.

Analysis of baby names come from Name Report. ^^;
