Name Analysis - Hyde
Oct 15 2000:
The name of Yukihiro has given you a strong desire for success and all the amenities of affluence. You pursue your undertakings on a grand scale, based on your business acumen and ability to visualize an overall plan. Your enthusiasm, aggressiveness, and salesmanship are often sufficient to bring about fulfillment of your ambitions. However, in the attempt to impress others with the scope of your success, you can over-extend your resources to the point that you have inadequate means to cover your basic expenses. There are times when you would be advised to start in a smaller way, and gradually reach your desired level of success through perseverance, patience, and attention to details. When things are going well, you have a generous, magnanimous nature, ready to offer support and assistance to others. When under stress, you can become overbearing and belittling in your attitude to others, and inclined to express sarcasm and temper. Should you become too inwardly focussed on your own world of personal relationships or material possessions, you could suffer disappointments with those close to you, unfulfilled ideals, or material losses. Health weaknesses centre in the generative organs or appear as general nervous tension.

Analysis of baby names come from Name Report. ^^;
