The Nth You Know You Had TOO Much L'Arc When...
23 08 2001: 
You know you had too much L'Arc when...

n. before: cyber geek. after: cyber geek with shades and platforms.

n+1. you took all the energy to locate every yaoi fic that there is in the world, and substitute tetsu and hyde's name inside the main pairings.

n+2. you're bad at math, but you're too familiar with the equation "hyde x tetsu= love + sex".

n+3. all that you ever know about sex comes from L'Arc interviews and radio programs...and boy, do you know a whole lot!

n+4. you spent 1.5 years writing a 3-part fic, spent 3 years (or so) in total writing about all the L'Arc fics at (and the fact that xz0ner and hidoko is actually 1 person should be considered), shower your teacher with hydextetsu fics-- which includes a recent incompleted work titled "S&M" with tetsu as the protagonist and hyde as the antagonist. 

n+5. you substitute "xiao3 ming2" and "xiao3 li4" with "zhe2 ye3" and "xiu4 ren2" when you do zhao4 ju4.

n+6. you spend 1 whole saturday drawing and colouring a tetsu-uke sexual piccy nonstop! Urgh my eyes my eyes!

n+7. your CD playlist: L'Arc, L'Arc, L'Arc, zigzo, L'Arc, TETSU69, L'Arc , TETSU69, L'Arc.

n+8. "desire" in Sandman comes to you in the shape of a cute little green frog in large platforms. (i.e: "desire is everything that you've ever wanted, whatever you are, whoever you are."--narrator, Sandman)

n+9. some local famous personality knows that you're a tetsu fan coz you posted a tetsu-uke-protagonist S&M fic on his ML.

n+10. you've been reading "niji no kouki" manga for like a bazillion times and you know what it's talking about, even if you know zero japanese (and definitely not osaka-ben!)]

n+11. you've spent some money on Manson, enya, and whatever you know that L'Arc listens to. Owee!

n+12. you've typed n+12 in numbers of "you know you'vehad too much L'Arc when..." and your prelims is just around the corner--TUESDAY! HOLY PIGSHIT, AND I HAVENT EVEN STUDIED! Arrrgh :P

n+13. you've done all of the above.

n+14. you've done all of the above, and your prelims is on tuesday, and while you've got tetsu's interview memorized, you don't even know what prelim lab exam you're gunna take on tuesday! 

